Join the Band

The Yakima Valley Community Band is a concert band made up of brass, woodwind and percussion musicians. The details on this page describe the requirements to join this concert band. See the Concert Band page to find out if the concert band is currently in need of specific musicians. If you are interested in joining the Yakima Valley Community Band, send email to

To join the Yakima Valley Big Band, you must also meet the membership selection criteria on this page. See the Big Band page to find out if the big band is currently in need of specific musicians. If you are interested in joining the Yakima Valley Big Band, send email to

Membership Selection

Anyone eighteen (18) years of age or over who is interested in promoting and furthering the purposes of the organization is eligible for membership, subject to the approval of the section leader and the band director.

Anyone under the age of eighteen (18) years who desires to gain the experience of rehearsing and performing with the organization is subject to the approval of the section leader and the band director. Anyone under the age of eighteen will also provide a recommendation from his/her school band director or private music teacher.

Membership is extended to all who meet the approval standards without regard to race, creed, color, gender, or sexual orientation.

Membership is discretionary. No person is guaranteed membership. Membership may only be granted upon the terms and conditions set forth in Article IV of the Bylaws.

Membership Code of Ethics

  • Members will remain attentive in rehearsal (listening and following directions without talking).
  • Members will offer comments, critiques, and suggestions after rehearsal and privately.
  • Members will use respectful language.
  • Members will communicate with section leaders/band director if they must miss a rehearsal.
  • Members will deliver their folders to section leader when absent so their part can be covered in rehearsal.
  • Members need to turn in band folders at the end of concerts.
  • Members are expected to attend rehearsals. Members with sporadic attendance may be addressed by the section leader or director regarding whether they should play in the next concert.
  • Members will use member and donor/follower roster/directory list information for band use only; member will not use said items for personal or employer business solicitation.


Members in good standing:

  • (over 18 years of age) shall have full voting powers in the election procedures and on other matters that require member votes.
  • (over 18 years of age) have the right to run for all positions on the Executive Board.
  • shall have paid the YVCB dues.

Members shall read and signify that they understand band policies and will abide by the Code of Ethics. Members may also consent to email notifications of meetings. YVCB director has the authority to ask a member to leave rehearsal or resign from band if the responsibilities listed in the band handbook are not followed. The Executive Board has a policy to review a member’s request to be reinstated.

Band-owned Instruments

  • Band-owned percussion equipment – band pays for the maintenance and repairs.
  • Band-owned wind/brass instruments – members who play them pay for maintenance and repairs.

Concert Attire

  • Winter and Spring formal attire consists of professional/formal all black clothing.
    • Long or short sleeves (not sleeveless).
    • Black socks and black shoes.
    • If wearing a dress, black hose are required.
  • Summer uniform consists of a light blue polo shirt with the band logo, black pants or black shorts or black skirt, and optional white cap or visor.
  • Members purchase their own concert clothing; financial assistance is available through the board if this presents a hardship for any member - contact any board member when needed.

Rehearsal Schedule

  • YVCB meets weekly on Mondays.
  • Rehearsals are from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., with a scheduled break.
  • A list of rehearsal dates will be handed out to members and will be posted on the concert band web page.
  • Rehearsal location will be on the schedule and posted on the concert band webpage.

Concert Schedule

  • Winter and Spring concerts are held on Monday and often on e extra day; these dates to be announced. The concert schedule will be handed out to members and will be posted on the band website. These programs are held indoors.
  • Summer concerts are on Wednesdays with intermittent extra dates. The summer schedule and locations will be handed out to members and will be posted on the band website. These programs are held in various pleasant, outdoor settings.


  • Membership dues are fifteen dollars ($15) per concert series or forty dollars ($40) for the year. Dues will be collected at least annually from the membership.
  • Dues are given to the Secretary/Treasurer or any Officer of the band.


  • Member Handbook (PDF - needs legal sized paper to print nicely)
  • Constitution (PDF)
  • Bylaws (PDF)
  • Contact us:

    • - Yakima Valley Community Band
    • - Yakima Valley Big Band
      PO BOX 9742
      YAKIMA WA 98909